news old 12-07-01 cover/editorial for Asianweek 12-10-01 my afterthoughts to the cover/editorial for Asianweek 7-26-02 Postcard from the Floating World (Burningman editorial) current 01-Feb-03 Happy Chinese New Year, groin kicking fight scenes, and my first fine art sale!CURRENT 21-Jan-03: ANTI-WAR march, the pursuit of higher education (MFA) and justice from all the pimps in the strip club industry
SHOWS & EXHIBITIONS PAST 1/02-Feature Week of Asianprincess Ranch at the Crazy Horse, ("retirement" show) 5/02-[r x d] = [race x desire] exhibition at Intersection for the Arts, SF. 8/02-Burningman Fundraiser & Wireless Headset Open Mic 10/02-performance/lecture @ Good Vibrations, San Francisco. 12/02-santa's black market, etc.