









12-07-01 cover/editorial for Asianweek

12-10-01 my afterthoughts to the cover/editorial for Asianweek

7-26-02 Postcard from the Floating World (Burningman editorial)


01-Feb-03 Happy Chinese New Year, groin kicking fight scenes, and my first fine art sale!CURRENT

21-Jan-03: ANTI-WAR march, the pursuit of higher education (MFA) and justice from all the pimps in the strip club industry











1/02-Feature Week of Asianprincess Ranch at the Crazy Horse, ("retirement" show)

5/02-[r x d] = [race x desire] exhibition at Intersection for the Arts, SF.

8/02-Burningman Fundraiser & Wireless Headset Open Mic

10/02-performance/lecture @ Good Vibrations, San Francisco.

12/02-santa's black market, etc.


no new shows to plug right now! :(

HOWEVER! I am trying to convince my performance colleague "Ms.Chinatown 2nd Runner up" to come with me to the Chinese New year parade 2/15 for a hilarious walkaround character performance. We are going to wave to the real Ms.Chinatowns and wreak havok on the Chinese community! After that, we do another character performance together in Hollywood as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell reinacting when they signed their handprints at Mann's Chinese Theatre for their movie 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes'